With Leah Higgins Last week I had a wonderful time in Manchester, UK, taking breakdown printing course with Leah Higgins. Leah Higgins is a well know textile artist and a wonderful teacher. I've been wanting to learn this technique since I bought Leah's book but actually I didn't know where and …
Linas and Rūta
Flax and Rue Finally- the last quilt for Fifteen by Fifteen quilt challenge group this year's challenge. That's Flora and/or fauna of the chosen country. My chosen country was my own Lithuania. I decided to go with flora only, and represent two most popular and most meaningful plants for our …
Našlaitės krepšeliuose
Lolitos audinių legenda Šie rankdarbiai mūsų namuose žymiai senesni nei aš. Jiems tikrai daugiau nei septyniasdešimt metų. Audinius audė mano mamos mama Elena Ulianskienė, gimusi 1901metais, o našlaites siuvinėjo jos dukra Elzbieta Ulianskaitė – Brazauskienė gimusi 1931m. Galėčiau bandyti …